149H - CL 1 DOMINO 0149HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Extra length of body and depth of rib. Performed well on test with an ADG of 4.01
lbs. Very maternal cow families throughout this pedigree. Dam 671D i
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (6,000.00) = 6,000.00
126H - CL 1 DOMINO 0126H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Solid calving ease prospect with a 74 lb. actual BW. This 710E son is stout made,
has 100% pigment, a good top, and extra length of rib. Dam is a 12 y
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (10,000.00) = 10,000.00
228H - CL 1 DOMINO 0228H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A really nice maternal bred package in this 5047C son. Backed up by the 440P cow,
there’s loads of maternal strength in this pedigree. Short
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (6,250.00) = 6,250.00
75H - CL 1 DOMINO 075H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A really balanced 8138D son with length of rib, depth, and a strong level top. Pedigree
full of solid cow families that rank 075H in the top 5% or bet
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,750.00 + 0.00BP) = 4,750.00
171H - CL 1 DOMINO 0171HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
This bull has the look of a calving ease bull. Dam is a tremendous 215Z daughter,
moderate in frame with a near perfect udder. She’s a full s
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,250.00) = 5,250.00
64H - CL 1 DOMINO 064HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Solid marked 8010F son with bred-in calving ease. Backed by some very maternal
cow families including Dam 5200C who has a Milk EPD (+31) and ranks in
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
11H - CL 1 DOMINO 011HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Calving ease coupled with carcass merit. Ranks in the top 15% in 9 traits.
• Top 1% SCF, BMI$, BII$
• Top 15% CED, BW, CEM, Udder, T
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00
214H - CL 1 DOMINO 0214H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A thick topped, moderate framed 710E son with good muscling and a deep quarter.
Maternal brother to 7131E and full brother to Lots 098H, 0176H, and 0
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
170H - CL 1 DOMINO 0170H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Strong carcass merit in this 7156E son.
• Top 5% Udder, Teat, CW, IMF, CHB$
• Top 35% BW, Milk, SC, M&G, REA
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,750.00) = 5,750.00
70H - CL 1 DOMINO 070H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
This 6128F son is long and deep ribbed with a lot of overall dimension. Strong
maternal pedigree backed by the 6206D cow family, not to mention lots o
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,000.00) = 4,000.00