2021 Cooper Hereford Ranch Production Sale

Auction Details

2021 Cooper Hereford Ranch Production Sale
Tuesday, March 9th - 2021 - 12:30PM MST
At the Ranch, Willow Creek MT
All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk, legal or otherwise. Cooper Hereford Ranch assumes no liability for property loss or accident that may occur.
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CL 1 DOMINO 066H66H - CL 1 DOMINO 066H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Growth, fertility and excellent marbling bred into this 8138F son. Granddam 351A is a freckle faced Dam of Distinction. She sold to L Bar W Cattle Co.
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (5,750.00) = 5,750.00
CL 1 DOMINO 0182H182H - CL 1 DOMINO 0182H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Short-marked 7156E son with a strong top and really good muscling. Super balanced EPD panel. Dam is a really nice 215 daughter with a great udder an
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (7,000.00) = 7,000.00
CL 1 DOMINO 033H33H - CL 1 DOMINO 033H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Good prospect with low BW that’s out of a super nice 6163D daughter. Strong performance on test with an ADG of 4.01 lbs. Great granddam 417B
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (6,250.00) = 6,250.00
CL 1 DOMINO 0160H160H - CL 1 DOMINO 0160H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Excellent carcass merit in this 8010F son. Dam 5207C is a really functional 3040 daughter - short marked, 100% pigment, and excellent marbling. She so
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00
CL 1 DOMINO 0202H202H - CL 1 DOMINO 0202H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Good, stout 7131E son. This bull is moderate, thick, and deep. Good pigment and a red neck. Dam is a very maternal 105Y daughter with a solid product
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (3,750.00) = 3,750.00
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Balanced EPD panel with strength in calving ease, maternal and carcass merit. Top 35% of the breed in 12 traits! Good performance in feedlot with an A
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
CL 1 DOMINO 055H55H - CL 1 DOMINO 055H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
An 8010F son that is marked up with a lot of red and has a good, thick top. Balanced EPDs - 12 traits in the top 35%. Gotta like the 7111E pedigree
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (4,500.00 + 0.00BP) = 4,500.00
CL 1 DOMINO 0141H141H - CL 1 DOMINO 0141H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Calving ease prospect with performance, maternal excellence and carcass merit. • Top 10% Scrotal, Milk, M&G, CEM, CHB Index • Top 20
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (6,500.00) = 6,500.00
CL 1 DOMINO 0218H 1ET218H - CL 1 DOMINO 0218H 1ET
Northern Livestock Video Auction
Calving ease prospect out of 710E with eye appeal, 100% pigment, really good spring of rib and muscling. Strong EPD panel across all traits. Maternal
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
CL 1 DOMINO 0175H175H - CL 1 DOMINO 0175H
Northern Livestock Video Auction
A really stout 739E son with good depth of rib and a strong top line. He’s a short marked bull with good pigment backed up by a solid matern
Bidding Has Concluded
Sold for (6,250.00) = 6,250.00