172H - CL 1 DOMINO 0172HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Dam is a super nice 386A daughter with length, lots of rib, and volume. She’s a
solid producer: WR (107/4) YR (102/4).
• Top 5% SC
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,500.00 + 0.00BP) = 7,500.00
45H - CL 1 DOMINO 045HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A really attractive 8138F son that has a wide base, is deep bodied and moves out
freely. Short marked with good pigment. Dam 435B has tremendous volum
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,250.00) = 5,250.00
26H - CL 1 DOMINO 026HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
This 878F son posted solid performance numbers. EPD panel reflects strength in
growth and maternal. Dam is a really nice young female with a Milk EPD
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (4,500.00) = 4,500.00
100H - CL 1 DOMINO 0100HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Soggy made 710E son that is exceptionally thick, deep sided, and has a lot of
muscle expression through his lower quarter. Red neck and clean up throu
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (13,500.00) = 13,500.00
9H - CL 1 DOMINO 009HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Solid EPD panel that ranks in the top 15% of the breed in 13 traits. Dam is a 6187D
daughter with a beautiful udder and a Milk EPD (+34 Milk). Lots of
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,750.00) = 5,750.00
13H - CL 1 DOMINO 013H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Very correct 710E son with a big top and loads of muscle expression that carries
down through his lower quarter. Scanned a big REA and ranks in the to
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (6,000.00) = 6,000.00
219H - CL 1 DOMINO 0219HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Red-necked 7131E son out of a very maternal cow family. A long spined bull with
extra depth of rib. Really balanced EPD panel across the board. Dam 1
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (6,000.00 + 0.00BP) = 6,000.00
121H - CL 1 DOMINO 0121H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Moderate bull that’s deep ribbed with good muscle.
• Top 10% M&G, CW and REA
• Top 20% Milk, WW, CHB$
• Top 30% YW
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (8,750.00) = 8,750.00
167H - CL 1 DOMINO 0167H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Moderate bull with good pigment and lots of maternal strength. Dam sold in our
2018 production sale to Bauer Herefords.
• Top 15% Milk, M&...
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,500.00) = 5,500.00
142H - CL 1 DOMINO 0142HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Moderate sized 739E son with a red neck. He’s out of a very maternal cow family
with bred-in longevity. Dam sold in our 2020 fall cow sale to
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,250.00) = 5,250.00
118H - CL 1 DOMINO 0118HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Calving ease prospect with nearly 100% pigment and a red neck. Good thickness
that really carries down his top and through to his lower quarter. He[x=
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
77H - CL 1 DOMINO 077H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A really thick, deep ribbed 710E son that has a lot of balance. A good muscled bull
with a lot of eye appeal – he’ll explode on a se
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,000.00) = 5,000.00
95H - CL 1 DOMINO 095H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
This 710E son has 100% pigment, good spring of rib, and nice muscle expression.
Tremendous EPD panel that is balanced in all the traits and ranks in t
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,000.00) = 7,000.00
74H - CL 1 DOMINO 074H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Calving ease son out of 710E with a lot of eye appeal, a good strong top, and a
deep quarter. Overall, a really complete bull with a solid maternal pe
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (5,250.00) = 5,250.00
28H - CL 1 DOMINO 028HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Calving ease prospect with solid maternal and carcass merit. Great spread from
birth to weaning - 65 lb. act. BW and a 735 lb. act. WW. Dam is a 105Y
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,500.00) = 7,500.00
227H - CL 1 DOMINO 0227H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Here’s an excellent shot at owning a 5110C son. You’ll grow to appreciate this bull
the longer you examine him. Stands strong on hi
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (19,000.00) = 19,000.00
187H - CL 1 DOMINO 0187HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Mark this guy down in your catalog – he just may be the sleeper of the sale.
I liked this bull all summer, but was disappointed with his gro
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (16,500.00) = 16,500.00
89H - CL 1 DOMINO 089H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Another solid performing 710E son that’s short marked, red to the ground, and has
good pigment. Great length and a good quarter. Balanced EPD
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (9,000.00) = 9,000.00
131H - CL 1 DOMINO 0131HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Stout 7131E son. Another bull with a strong top and good thickness that carries
down to his lower quarter – really good dimension overall. St
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (11,000.00) = 11,000.00
236H - CL 1 DOMINO 0236HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Solid EPD panel comes with this young bull born the end of February. Lots of rib
capacity and a strong top line. Very correct pattern and a red neck.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (6,500.00 + 0.00BP) = 6,500.00