999 - TEST LOTNorthern Livestock Video Auction
PRACTICE BIDDING HERE - This lot is created for first time buyers to get comfortable with our bidding interface, feel free to bid anytime on this lot,
Bidding Has Concluded
186H - CL 1 DOMINO 0186HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A really exceptional bull chock full of muscle and power. He has loads of rib shape
and about as thick of a quarter as any bull in the sale. This is
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (40,000.00) = 40,000.00
1H - CL 1 DOMINO 001HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A really balanced 776H son that has held our eye for awhile now. He definitely has
the look of a herd bull with a big deep hip, strong top and loads o
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (40,000.00) = 40,000.00
136H - CL 1 DOMINO 0136HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A stellar 7156E son!! He is as good as he looks, and then some!! I really like his
shape - very moderate with tremendous depth of rib and capacity. A
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (66,000.00) = 66,000.00
37H - CL 1 DOMINO 037HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
There’s some really great 7156E sons selling this year and this bull is no exception.
84 lb. act. BW with excellent growth (805 lb. act. WW).
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (50,000.00) = 50,000.00
35H - CL 1 DOMINO 035HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Another really powerful 7131E son that is short-marked, has excellent pigment, and
a lot of substance and muscle. You’ll really like the way
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (50,000.00) = 50,000.00
79H - CL 1 DOMINO 079HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Outstanding herd bull prospect out of 7131E that combines performance, maternal
excellence and strong carcass merit into a very attractive package. He
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (60,000.00) = 60,000.00
38H - CL 1 DOMINO 038HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
He’s got the look of a herd bull! – stout, thick topped and deep sided. This bull is
sure footed and travels out freely. Backed by g
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (56,000.00) = 56,000.00
31H - CL 1 DOMINO 031H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Big topped 8117D son with a nice square hip, red neck, and 100% pigment. He
caught my eye early last summer and has developed into a really nice bull.
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (17,000.00) = 17,000.00
76H - CL 1 DOMINO 076HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Outstanding genetic package – excellent maternal pedigree combined with
performance! 076H is super balanced. Has that herd bull look - loads
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (22,000.00) = 22,000.00
18H - CL 1 DOMINO 018HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Calving ease prospect with good performance and carcass merit along with
maternal excellence. Performed well on test with an ADG of 4.26 lbs. Really
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (12,000.00) = 12,000.00
3H - CL 1 DOMINO 003HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A smooth shouldered calving ease prospect with excellent length and nice depth
of rib. He’s great on his feet, has strong bone, and travels o
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (11,500.00) = 11,500.00
97H - CL 1 DOMINO 097HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Outstanding prospect out of the 8117F bull - tremendous depth of rib and capacity
along with a super strong top line. 097H is clean through the sheath
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (23,000.00) = 23,000.00
96H - CL 1 DOMINO 096HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Phenotypically, this 7156E doesn’t have many holes. He’s stout, has good strong
bone and is thick down the top. Moderate in size he
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (15,000.00) = 15,000.00
109H - CL 1 DOMINO 0109HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Outstanding prospect out of 7131E - tremendous depth of rib, capacity, and a lot of
overall dimension. This bull has a red neck, nearly 100% pigment,
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (14,000.00) = 14,000.00
220H - CL 1 DOMINO 0220HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A stout made 7131E son with an excellent spread from weaning to yearling. This
is a darn good bull that’s as solid red as you can get. Stron
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (7,500.00 + 0.00BP) = 7,500.00
168H - CL 1 DOMINO 0168HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A thick topped, deep sided 7156E son! Pedigree combines calving ease potential
with maternal strength. He’s a short marked, red-necked bull w
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (14,000.00) = 14,000.00
176H - CL 1 DOMINO 0176H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
A 710E son with 100% pigment, really nice balance and loads of rib shape. He has
the look of a calving ease bull - smooth through the shoulders and s
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (18,000.00) = 18,000.00
114H - CL 1 DOMINO 0114H 1ETNorthern Livestock Video Auction
This bull topped the scales in January posting the top actual YW of the offering.
A powerfully built 7156E son that is short marked with good pigment,
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (31,000.00) = 31,000.00
80H - CL 1 DOMINO 080HNorthern Livestock Video Auction
Complete package combining phenotype with numbers – top 15% in 13 traits!!
Couples performance and maternal excellence with strong carcass me
Bidding Has ConcludedSold for (10,500.00) = 10,500.00